11 Simple Ways to Avoid Dark Accent Wall Regrets


Published: September 7, 2023
Updated: November 22, 2023

Dark accent walls can evoke strong feelings when used in your interior design, so they can be a very tempting design choice when planning your next style update. Adding a deep layer of color to the walls behind a bed, couch, or vanity seems like a foolproof idea in a world of light and airy spaces. This design is modern and stylish and an easy way to incorporate rich, dark tones into your home’s color palette.

In reality, choosing the right color and sheen is a commitment, and there are various nuances to consider. I am here to share the experiences of others who have taken the leap into using dark accent walls and report on their experience, both the good and the bad. Let me help you decide with certainty whether this is an element that will enhance your home or leave you wishing dark paint didn’t require so many coats in order to restore to a lighter palette. Read on to dive into what others have to about their dark accent wall regrets and successes!

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