20 Mudroom Rug Ideas That Add a Cozy Flair


Published: March 3, 2024
Updated: February 21, 2024

Mudrooms are such useful spaces in a home. They corral everything you need for a day out, like your shoes, coats, umbrellas, and perhaps those packages you must remember to return. You most likely use this space every day, so why not make it a room you love coming home to?

It can take a healthy budget and some labor to complete a project that makes a big impact in your mudroom. For example, giving it a fresh coat of paint or installing a custom built-in will breathe new life into the room. But there’s actually an easier way to make a big change. Adding a rug to your mudroom can completely transform the space from basic to beautiful. However, knowing exactly what size, shape, color, and style to opt for isn’t always an easy feat. It may take some trial and error, but these mudroom rug ideas are here to help.

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