25 Pantry Shelving Ideas for Spaces Large and Small


Published: January 14, 2023
Updated: November 30, 2023

Pantry shelving is an important feature in any kitchen as it allows the pantry to be organized in an aesthetically pleasing manner and it ensures that snacks and ingredients are easily accessible. There are a variety of materials that can be used for pantry shelving ideas, including wood, wire, and plastic. Some people prefer wood shelving as it adds a warm and natural look to the pantry, while wire shelving is more modern and allows air circulation to prevent spoilage. Plastic shelving is a more budget-friendly option, but it may not be as durable as the other materials. When choosing pantry shelving, it’s important to consider the weight of the items you’ll be storing as well as the size and layout of your pantry.

One of the best additions to an organized pantry is the use of labeled glass canisters or plastic containers for bulk foods. This allows food to be visible, so you know how much you have, and it also creates a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing pantry. For large items or items that you will reach for frequently, consider using large baskets without lids for easy access. Keep reading to learn how to best organize your pantry –regardless of if your space is big or small!

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