29 Creative Toy Storage Ideas


Published: March 13, 2023
Updated: November 26, 2023

With so many new methods of toy storage, there’s no need to stick with traditional options. The best way to incorporate storage is to work it into the room’s décor. With some creativity, you can turn your storage into an eye-catching display.

Our first instinct is to hide clutter, but there’s an argument to be made for using brightly colored toys to your advantage. Consider arranging these items on shelves or cabinet tops. You will be surprised by how well they enhance the overall look of the space. Baskets are an incredible storage tool. If you choose to include storage baskets, select visually pleasing ones! Not all clutter can be solved with the less drastic options. So if you must use fully closed storage, try incorporating striking cabinet colors and accents to enrich the space, especially in a playroom or a child’s bedroom.

More creative toy storage ideas can be found in our collection of images below!

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