30 Gorgeous Examples of Clear Glass Vase Décor Ideas


Published: January 26, 2023
Updated: November 30, 2023

It’s probably safe to say that at one point we have all gotten stuck on how to decorate a table or countertop. It sounds silly, but when you are starting with a blank slate, sometimes it’s hard to visualize what would actually look good standing in the center. Then there is the question of what to pair with said centerpiece, or should it be standalone?

One surefire way to avoid getting stuck in a décor rut for your tablescape layouts is to lean on a versatile decor staple, a simple clear glass vase. It can be that easy! Pop a beautiful glass vase in the center of a wood dining table with stems of cherry blossoms for a spring potluck. Or add a few cascading cedar branches and light candles for the holidays. Sometimes less is more, and this is one of those things you can turn to last second if you get overwhelmed and change your mind about your current setup.

Our collection of decor inspiration below will show you how these homeowners used simple glass vases to style their counters and tables like pros.

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