36 Christmas Tree Box Stand Ideas to Create a Festive Spirit


Published: January 7, 2023
Updated: November 21, 2023

If you’re tired of the standard tree stands that everyone displays, then you should give some serious thought and consideration to using a Christmas tree box stand instead. These festive boxes can be used indoors or outdoors and bring a fresh look to your home.

The best part is that you can use scrap pieces of lumber lying around the house to create your Christmas tree skirt box, or you can recycle an old box. Both approaches look fantastic! Just think of a stylish shiplap tree box in a living room with white wainscoting. Or a simple tree sitting in an antique box next to a vintage sled. Perhaps two stately pine trees in large boxes on the front porch is more your style.

It doesn’t matter! With a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to put together a box Christmas tree stand that will wow all your guests. So, keep reading and check out this marvelous gallery of box stand ideas to see how festive they look underneath a Christmas tree.

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